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TDSC Graded Examinations

Our Principal Kerryanne is a Registered Teacher with The Dance School Company
Our Classes follow their Graded Exam Syllabus

The Carrington Ballet Academy offers
Graded Examinations through the TDSC

Are Exams important?

The Exam process gives each student a goal to work towards and allows them to achieve it.
Discipline: It takes a great amount of discipline to study theory and work hard in class to reach the technical requirement for each grade level.

Self Esteem: Achieving your goals heightens self-esteem and by doing this in a shared classroom environment it increases your students respect for and teamwork amongst fellow students.

Exams are valuable because they provide the development of strong technique, artistry and quality of movement. Exams instil strong moral character, values and a passion for excellence.


Will my Child be able to take an Exam?

Here are a few things as teachers that we have to consider…

Class attendance and punctuality. If children are missing from class, they are missing the syllabus that has been taught that day, which they will be examined on. This makes it very hard for us to enter students for their exam if they have missed a number of lessons.

Effort, focus and discipline shown in class. If your child finds it hard to focus in other areas of their education, it is often echoed in their dance class. Dance is perfect to help develop focus and concentration but it might mean they are not quite at exam standard at this point in time. It doesn’t mean they are not good at dancing.

The personality of each student is very important. Some thrive to be pushed and challenged to exam standard and others would find it takes the fun out of their experience resulting in them wanting to stop dancing. Exams can make students gain confidence and a sense of achievement whilst for others it would be best to wait until the next exam session as the pressure can be too much.

How do Exams work?

The students throughout their training will be taught the graded syllabus, when the teacher believes that the child is ready to be entered in for an exam the teacher will arrange a Group Exam Day. 

When an exam day is booked an Examiner will travel up to the Carrington Ballet Academy for the day, where they will watch and mark the students group class. Or the Exam will be done by video submission.

Shortly after the exam the student will be presented with their mark sheet and certificate.

Is there an Exam Fee & Uniform?

Yes, there will be a fee for any student wishing to take graded examinations. The fee will depend on how many students are wishing to be entered the more students the less the cost will be, the cost for exams is determined by the teacher and is extra to the term fees. 

There is also a specific examination uniform available for purchase from the Carrington Ballet Academy which is an extra cost on top of the graded examination fee. Once an exam is booked then the Carrington Ballet Academy will purchase the uniform for you and it will be yours to keep.

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